Community Relations Worldwide Code of Conduct PBG

Community Relations and Political Participation

PBG encourages all employees to get involved in their communities. You are encouraged to volunteer for worthwhile causes and support local and national organizations that are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities where we live and work. Your personal leadership not only improves your community, but also helps to build consumer trust and goodwill.

PBG also believes that good corporate citizenship requires participation in government affairs. This participation includes voting, representing PBG’s interests at appropriate events involving elected officials and educating government officials about PBG’s position on issues that directly impact us. Participation by employees is strictly voluntary.

In the U.S., the federal election laws generally prohibit companies from making contributions of money, products, services, or facilities in connection with any federal election. Accordingly, you should not make any federal campaign contribution or expenditure on behalf of PBG. Since several state laws have similar restrictions, you should obtain prior approval from the Law Department of any corporate contribution for a state or local election.

You may make personal political campaign contributions if you wish to do so. However, PBG will not reimburse you for those contributions.