Use and Protection Worldwide Code of Conduct PBG

Use and Protection of PBG’s Assets

Use of Company Assets and Services

All PBG employees are required to use PBG’s property, facilities, and time only for Company business. You should never perform substantial personal work or use Company assets for personal reasons or direct or permit an employee to do so. You should not solicit or conduct outside business during paid working time. You should also not perform services for customers on nonworking time that would normally be done by PBG personnel. Examples of conduct violating this policy include:

  • Service Technician repairs done at an employee’s home
  • Personal errands by administrative personnel
  • Fleet Mechanic repairs of personal vehicles during working time

Proper use of Company assets includes corporate American Express and other credit cards. You may use a Company-issued credit card only for authorized PBG business. You should never use a Company-issued credit card for personal expenses, and you are expected to comply with this policy while at your location or on business trips. In addition, you are expected to be familiar with and to comply with PBG’s Travel & Entertainment Policy, which is available on the Company’s intranet or by asking your supervisor.

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Confidentiality of Business Information

As a PBG employee, director, or officer, you may have access to confidential or proprietary information about PBG’s business. Confidential information may not be disclosed under any circumstances, except if its disclosure is expressly required by law or approved in advance by the Law Department (e.g., disclosure permitted under a confidentiality agreement approved by the Law Department). Confidential information includes trade secrets and other information about PBG’s business that is not known to the public, such as pricing information, marketing strategies, financial data, supplier or vendor bids, and unannounced acquisitions. This kind of information is a valuable Company resource. You have a responsibility to treat it confidentially and to safeguard it against potential misuse by others, even if you leave the Company. This means ensuring that no one has access to confidential Company information for any reason unless he or she is a PBG employee, director, or officer and has a valid, business related need for the information.

All documents, including electronic data, relating to PBG’s business that you create or receive, are PBG’s exclusive property. You should take appropriate steps to safeguard these materials. All such data must be returned to the Company upon request or upon termination of your employment or association with PBG.

Do not use the Company’s confidential information for your own benefit. Improper use of PBG’s confidential information, whether you are a current or former employee, may result in legal action. It could also result in forfeiture of stock options and repayment of stock option gains in some circumstances.

Do not disclose or misuse confidential information of another company, such as that of a customer or supplier or competitor of PBG. Consistent with our commitment to ethical business practices, we respect the confidential information and property rights of others and require our employees, directors, and officers to observe such rights.

If representatives of the press or any analysts, investment managers, or other stock market professionals request an interview with you or any information about PBG, its suppliers, customers, or competitors, you should neither answer their questions nor give them any information. Instead, direct press inquiries to the Public Relations Department and inquiries from analysts, investment managers, or stock market professionals to the Investor Relations Department.

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Employee inventions may qualify as Company property. Sometimes an employee may invent or improve upon a product or process while working for PBG. To the extent that the invention or improvement is directly or indirectly related to PBG’s business, it is considered to be the Company’s property, regardless of whether the invention or improvement was made or conceived of during working hours. Examples of “inventions” include computer programs, manufacturing processes, new products, and equipment improvements related to, or developed in connection with, PBG’s business.

You must promptly and fully disclose to your Human Resources Manager any such invention or improvement. You will be required to assign to PBG all the rights to any patents, copyrights, and/or trademarks related to the invention.

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Electronic Mail and Internet Use

The PepsiCo/PBG electronic mail system and Internet, which are administered under a shared services arrangement with PepsiCo, are Company property and intended primarily for use as communication and research tools in connection with authorized Company business. Although these systems are to be used primarily for authorized business purposes, PBG allows occasional personal use of e-mail and the Internet, provided that such use does not interfere with the user’s work responsibilities, job performance, consume significant resources, or involve unlawful or unprofessional activities.

Employees should not have an expectation of privacy when using the electronic mail or Internet systems. All work product, messages, and information transmitted on these systems are the sole property of the Company and are regularly monitored and/or accessed by PepsiCo/PBG. By using the electronic mail system and Internet, you consent to such monitoring and access and agree to comply with this policy and also with the PepsiCo/PBG e-mail and Internet policies. The PepsiCo/PBG e-mail and Internet policies are available on the PBG intranet and can also be obtained from your Human Resources Manager or the Law Department.

Use of the e-mail or Internet systems for communications that violate PepsiCo/PBG e-mail or Internet policies, or other PBG policies, is strictly prohibited. Examples of prohibited communications include transmitting messages or accessing web sites that are offensive, derogatory, or pornographic. Inappropriate messages or use of the Internet will result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.

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QI’m staining the deck on my house this weekend. Can I borrow the power washer from the plant’s maintenance department?

ANo. PBG’s assets are only to be used for Company business. You should not borrow the power washer.

QMy supervisor asked that I charge a business meal to my company credit card, even though she was in attendance at the meal, so that her manager would not have to approve the charge. What should I do?

ACompany policy states that meal charges should be paid by the highest level employee in attendance. You should ask your supervisor to pay for the meal. If your supervisor insists that you pay for the meal, do so, but report your concern to your Human Resources Manager or by calling the PBG Business Ethics Line.