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Fact Book 2009/2010
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Response to Intervention

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) directs schools to focus more on helping children learn by addressing problems before a child is so far behind that a referral to special education services is required. IDEA underscores the importance of providing high-quality, scientifically-based instruction and interventions, and holds schools accountable to meet state grade-level standards.

Response to Intervention

Intervention Solutions to Help Struggling Students

McGraw-Hill Education’s intervention programs are for students who have fallen behind or need extra help to reach grade-level standards. These programs, which provide elementary and secondary school teachers with research-based instructional routines and explicit direct instruction to support students dealing with barriers to comprehension, combine traditional print materials with digital tools that help teachers maximize individual performance in reading, math, and science (see range of programs primarily under IDEA).

Web page from Jamestown Reading Navigator online program  

Jamestown Reading Navigator™

Jamestown Reading Navigator is a research-based, field tested online and print-based program developed to raise reading competencies and test scores of struggling students in grades 6 through 12.
  • The online component improves students’ comprehension by utilizing direct, explicit instruction and modeling of good reading practices
  • The print-based reading materials encourage collaborative or independent learning
  • Teachers can monitor student progress utilizing an online system where scores from formative and summative assessments are recorded


Math Triumphs is an RtI Level 3 Intervention Program designed for K–8 students who are two or more years behind in mathematics. It is the first intervention program designed around the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Focal Points. Math Triumphs offers:
  • Differentiated instruction, providing many ways a student can practice math skills
  • Support for a variety of instruction settings, including after school, before school, summer school, pull-out programs, intersession, and tutoring
  • A built-in assessment and monitoring system
  Math Triumphs textbook cover
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