Notes to the consolidated
financial statements

23. Post employment benefits


At 31 March 2010 the Group operated a number of pension plans for the benefit of its employees throughout the world which vary depending on the conditions and practices in the countries concerned. The Group’s pension plans are provided through both defined benefit and defined contribution arrangements. Defined benefit schemes provide benefits based on the employees’ length of pensionable service and their final pensionable salary or other criteria. Defined contribution schemes offer employees individual funds that are converted into benefits at the time of retirement.

The Group’s principal defined benefit pension scheme in the United Kingdom, a tax approved final salary scheme which was closed to new entrants from 1 January 2006, was closed to future accrual by current members on 31 March 2010. The assets of the scheme are held in an external trustee administered fund. In addition, the Group operates defined benefit schemes in Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Turkey and the United States. Defined contribution pension schemes are currently provided in Australia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Income statement expense

Defined contribution schemes 110 73 63
Defined benefit schemes 50 40 28
Total amount charged to the income statement (note 32) 160 113 91

Defined benefit schemes

The principal actuarial assumptions used for estimating the Group’s benefit obligations are set out below:

Weighted average actuarial assumptions used at 31 March:

Rate of inflation 3.5 2.6 3.1
Rate of increase in salaries 4.6 3.7 4.3
Rate of increase in pensions in payment and deferred pensions 3.5 2.6 3.1
Discount rate 5.7 6.3 6.1
Expected rates of return:      
Equities 8.5 8.4 8.0
Bonds(2) 5.1 5.7 4.4
Other assets 2.8 3.7 1.3
Figures shown represent a weighted average assumption of the individual schemes.
For the year ended 31 March 2010 the expected rate of return for bonds consisted of a 5.5% rate of return for corporate bonds (2009: 6.1%; 2008: 4.7%) and a 4.0% rate of return for government bonds (2009: 4.0%; 2008: 3.5%).

The expected return on assets assumptions are derived by considering the expected long-term rates of return on plan investments. The overall rate of return is a weighted average of the expected returns of the individual investments made in the group plans. The long-term rates of return on equities and property are derived from considering current risk free rates of return with the addition of an appropriate future risk premium from an analysis of historic returns in various countries. The long-term rates of return on bonds and cash investments are set in line with market yields currently available at the statement of financial position date.

Mortality assumptions used are consistent with those recommended by the individual scheme actuaries and reflect the latest available tables, adjusted for the experience of the Group where appropriate. The largest scheme in the Group is the UK scheme and the tables used for this scheme indicate a further life expectancy for a male/female pensioner currently aged 65 of 22.3/25.4 years (2009: 22.0/24.8 years, 2008: 22.0/24.8 years) and a further life expectancy from age 65 for a male/female non-pensioner member currently aged 40 of 24.6/27.9 years (2009: 23.2/26.0 years, 2008: 23.2/26.0 years).

Measurement of the Group’s defined benefit retirement obligations are particularly sensitive to changes in certain key assumptions including the discount rate. An increase or decrease in the discount rate of 0.5% would result in a £172 million decrease or a £199 million increase in the defined benefit obligation respectively.

Charges made to the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of comprehensive income (‘SOCI’) on the basis of the assumptions stated above are:

Current service cost 29 46 53
Interest cost 77 83 69
Expected return on pension assets (76) (92) (89)
Curtailment/settlement 20 3 (5)
Total included within staff costs 50 40 28
Actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI 149 220 47
Cumulative actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI 496 347 127

Fair value of the assets and present value of the liabilities of the schemes

The amount included in the statement of financial position arising from the Group’s obligations in respect of its defined benefit schemes is as follows:

Movement in pension assets:
1 April 1,100 1,271 1,251
Exchange rate movements (10) 50 50
Expected return on pension assets 76 92 89
Actuarial gains/(losses) 286 (381) (176)
Employer cash contributions 133 98 86
Member cash contributions 12 15 13
Benefits paid (45) (45) (42)
Other movements (65)
31 March 1,487 1,100 1,271
Movement in pension liabilities:
1 April 1,332 1,310 1,292
Exchange rate movements (15) 69 60
Arising on acquisition 33
Current service cost 29 46 53
Interest cost 77 83 69
Member cash contributions 12 15 13
Actuarial losses/(gains) 435 (161) (129)
Benefits paid (79) (45) (42)
Other movements (101) (18) (6)
31 March 1,690 1,332 1,310

An analysis of net assets/(deficits) is provided below for the Group’s principal defined benefit pension scheme in the UK and for the Group as a whole.

  UK   Group
Analysis of net assets/(deficits):
Total fair value of scheme assets 1,131 755 934 954 835   1,487 1,100 1,271 1,251 1,123
Present value of funded scheme liabilities (1,276) (815) (902) (901) (847)   (1,625) (1,196) (1,217) (1,194) (1,128)
Net (deficit)/assets for funded schemes (145) (60) 32 53 (12)   (138) (96) 54 57 (5)
Present value of unfunded scheme liabilities (8)   (65) (136) (93) (98) (96)
Net (deficit)/assets (145) (68) 32 53 (12)   (203) (232) (39) (41) (101)
Net (deficit)/assets are analysed as:  
Assets 32 53   34 8 65 82 19
Liabilities (145) (68) (12)   (237) (240) (104) (123) (120)

It is expected that contributions of £31 million will be paid into the Group’s defined benefit retirement schemes during the year ending 31 March 2011.

Actual return on pension assets

Actual return on pension assets 362 (289) (87)
Analysis of pension assets at 31 March is as follows: % % %
Equities 59.6 55.6 68.5
Bonds 37.5 41.9 17.7
Property 0.3 0.4 0.3
Other 2.6 2.1 13.5
100.0 100.0 100.0

The schemes have no direct investments in the Group’s equity securities or in property currently used by the Group.

History of experience adjustments

Experience adjustments on pension liabilities:          
Amount 8 6 (5) (2) (4)
Percentage of pension liabilities
Experience adjustments on pension assets:          
Amount 286 (381) (176) 26 121
Percentage of pension assets 19% (35%) (14%) 2% 11%

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