Board Committees and Charters

Board Committees and Charters


The Board delegates various responsibilities and authority to different Board committees. Committees regularly report on their activities and actions to the full Board. The Board currently has, and appoints the members of, standing Audit, Compensation, Corporate Governance and Nominating, Executive, and Finance Committees. The Board has determined that each member of the Audit, Compensation, Corporate Governance and Nominating, and Finance Committees is an independent director in accordance with NASDAQ standards.

Each of the Board committees has a written charter approved by the Board, and each committee conducts an annual evaluation of the committee's performance. We post each charter and the charter describing the position of Lead Independent Director on our web site at Each committee can engage outside experts, advisers, and counsel to assist the committee in its work. The following table identifies the current committee members.

Name   Audit   Compensation   Corporate
and Nominating
  Executive   Finance
Craig R. Barrett               checkmark    
Charlene Barshefsky                   checkmark
Carol A. Bartz   checkmark               checkmark
Susan L. Decker           checkmark        
D. James Guzy   checkmark               Chair
Reed E. Hundt       Chair   checkmark        
Paul S. Otellini               checkmark    
James D. Plummer   checkmark               checkmark
David S. Pottruck   checkmark   checkmark           checkmark
Jane E. Shaw   Chair               checkmark
John L. Thornton       checkmark   checkmark        
David B. Yoffie       checkmark   Chair   Chair    
Number of Committee Meetings Held in 2007   8   3   3   2   1
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