Transactions Considered in Independence

Transactions Considered in Independence




In making its independence determinations, the Board considered transactions occurring since the beginning of 2005 between Intel and entities associated with the independent directors or members of their immediate family. All identified transactions that appear to relate to Intel and a family member or entity with a known connection to a director are presented to the Board for consideration.

In making its subjective determination that each non-employee director is independent, the Board considered the transactions in the context of the NASDAQ objective standards, the special standards established by the SEC for members of audit committees, and the SEC and U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) standards for compensation committee members. In each case, the Board determined that, because of the nature of the director's relationship with the entity and/or the amount involved, the relationship did not impair the director's independence. The Board's independence determinations included reviewing the following transactions.

Ambassador Barshefsky is a partner at the law firm of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP. Intel paid this firm less than 1% of this firm's revenue in 2007, 2006, and 2005 for professional services. Ambassador Barshefsky does not provide any legal services to Intel, and she does not receive any compensation related to our payments to this firm. Ambassador Barshefsky's husband is an officer of American Honda Motor Company, Inc. (which is wholly owned by Honda Motor Co., Ltd.). Intel and the Intel Foundation participated in a loan to Honda Finance Corp., a subsidiary of Honda Motor Co., Ltd., in 2006 and 2007 by purchasing a short-term debt instrument as part of our investment portfolio.

Ms. Bartz and Ms. Decker are executive officers of companies with which Intel does business. Mr. Hundt and Dr. Plummer were outside advisers to companies with which Intel does business, but in such capacity did not provide advice or services to Intel. Family members of Ambassador Barshefsky, Ms. Bartz, Ms. Decker, and Mr. Thornton are directors or employees of companies with which Intel does business. The amount that Intel paid in each fiscal year to each of these companies for goods and services represented less than 1% of the other company's annual revenue, and the amount received in each fiscal year by Intel for goods and services from each company represented less than 1% of Intel's annual revenue.

Ms. Decker, Mr. Hundt, Dr. Plummer, Mr. Pottruck, Dr. Shaw, Mr. Thornton, Dr. Yoffie, or one of their immediate family members have each served as a trustee, director, employee, or advisory board member for one or more colleges and universities. Intel has a variety of dealings with these institutions, including:

  • sponsored research and technology licenses;
  • charitable contributions (matching and discretionary);
  • fellowships and scholarships;
  • facility, engineering, and equipment fees; and
  • payments for training, event hosting, and organizational participation or membership dues.

Payments to each of these institutions (including discretionary contributions by Intel and the Intel Foundation) constituted less than the greater of $200,000 or 1% of that institution's 2007 annual revenue.

Each of our non-employee directors is, or was during the previous three fiscal years, a non-management director of another company that did business with Intel at some time during those years. These business relationships were, variously, as a supplier or purchaser of goods or services, licensing or research arrangements, or financing arrangements in which Intel or the Intel Foundation participated as a creditor.

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