Compensation Committee

Compensation Committee


The Compensation Committee has authority for reviewing and determining salaries, performance-based incentives, and other matters related to the compensation of our executive officers, and administering our stock option plans, including reviewing and granting stock options to our executive officers. The Compensation Committee also reviews and determines various other compensation policies and matters, including making recommendations to the Board related to employee compensation and benefit plans generally, making recommendations to the Board on stockholder proposals related to compensation matters, and administering the employee stock purchase plan.

While the Compensation Committee is responsible for executive compensation, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee recommends the compensation for non-employee directors. The Compensation Committee can delegate to any member of the Board the authority to grant equity awards to employees who are not executive officers.

The Compensation Committee can also designate one or more of its members to perform duties on its behalf, subject to reporting to or ratification by the Compensation Committee.

Since 2005, the Compensation Committee has engaged the services of Professor Brian Hall of the Harvard Business School to advise the committee with respect to executive compensation philosophy, cash incentive design, the amount of cash and equity compensation awarded, and committee process. During 2007, Professor Hall's work with the Compensation Committee was related to the following:

  • revisions to the committee's annual cycle of work and agendas;
  • revisions to the lists of peer group and other companies used for benchmarking purposes;
  • recommendations for Chairman and CEO compensation; and
  • revisions to the content and format of data prepared for use by the Compensation Committee.

The Compensation Committee will continue to engage Professor Hall in 2008 to advise it with regard to executive compensation programs, data presentations, and related matters. The Compensation Committee selected Professor Hall, and he reports directly to the Compensation Committee and interacts with management at the direction of the Compensation Committee. Professor Hall has not performed work for Intel other than pursuant to his engagement by the committee. For more information on the responsibilities and activities of the Compensation Committee, including the committee's processes for determining executive compensation, see "Compensation Discussion and Analysis," "Report of the Compensation Committee," and "Executive Compensation" in this proxy statement, and the Compensation Committee's charter.

© 2008 Intel Corporation