Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee

Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee


The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee reviews and reports to the Board on a periodic basis with regard to matters of corporate governance and corporate responsibility, such as environmental, sustainability, workplace, and stakeholder issues. The committee also reviews and assesses the effectiveness of the Board's Corporate Governance Guidelines, makes recommendations to the Board regarding proposed revisions to the Guidelines and committee charters, and makes recommendations to the Board regarding the size and composition of the Board and its committees. In addition, the committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding the agendas for our annual meetings, reviews stockholder proposals, makes recommendations to the Board for action on such proposals, and reviews and makes recommendations concerning compensation for our non-employee directors. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee's charter describes the responsibilities and activities of the committee in detail.

The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for reviewing with the Board, from time to time, the appropriate skills and characteristics required of Board members in the context of the current makeup of the Board. This assessment includes issues of diversity in numerous factors such as age; understanding of and experience in manufacturing, technology, finance, and marketing; and international experience and culture. The committee reviews these factors, and others considered useful by the committee, in the context of an assessment of the perceived needs of the Board at a particular point in time. As a result, the priorities and emphasis of the committee and of the Board may change from time to time to take into account changes in business and other trends, as well as the portfolio of skills and experience of current and prospective Board members. The committee establishes procedures for the nomination process and recommends candidates for election to the Board.

Consideration of new Board candidates typically involves a series of internal discussions, review of information concerning candidates, and interviews with selected candidates. Board members or employees typically suggest candidates for nomination to the Board. In 2007, we employed a search firm in connection with seeking and evaluating Board candidates. Dr. Barrett initially suggested Ms. Bartz as a Board candidate. The committee considers candidates proposed by stockholders and evaluates them using the same criteria as for other candidates. A stockholder seeking to recommend a prospective nominee for the committee's consideration should submit the candidate's name and qualifications to our Corporate Secretary.

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